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Few days ago Date My Ride was also mentioned in TechScrapp article. TechScrapp is currently the most non-influential tech blog covering under the radar startup companies and tech news. It was simply started to cater to startups and founders who want to get coverage on the big sites like TechCrunch, Mashable, Venturebeat etc but never seem to be able to.

We are excited about our growing membership and popularity!

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WOW, what can I say. Our thrilling ride continues! Today Date My Ride - free and exciting dating website was featured on Thrillist LA! Our site has been bombarded with visitors and thank you BlueHost for not crashing our servers.

We even received an inquiry about potential reality TV show! We'll see how that goes. It seems that these days anybody from CEOs down to Alaska truck drivers have a reality TV show. Why couldn't Date My Ride reality TV show drive around LA and spot some sexy people or movie stars? Anything is possible in LA.

But back to reality. Here is the link to Thrillist LA article.

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Date My Ride is slowly picking up steam and gaining popularity in U.S. and around the world. Our fun and free dating website has been running live for only 12 days now. We haven’t even had an official site launch yet. So far we we’ve been reviewed by Killerstartups, UnitedTechGuys and few other smaller blogs.

Today Date My Ride was featured on Thrillist Seattle. This latest article prompted us to revise our site’s motto into something simpler: “Did your dream date just pass you on the highway?” You can read full article here.

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Date My Ride is free and fun online dating website for those who sometimes wonder while driving: “Did your dream date just pass you on the highway?”

Our mission is to offer free, simple and exciting online dating experience. The site has no lengthy questionnaires to fill out or personality tests you will have to take. We believe that in love and romance world first impressions are very important.

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