WikiLeaks website never released any information about DMR

That’s right, WikiLeaks website never released any of Date My Ride’s (DMR) secrets. Frankly this website has quite a few secrets that are worth mentioning it.

First of all, Date My Ride is a free, fun and exciting new online dating website. “Did your dream date just pass you on the highway?” – our motto summarizes it all! Date My Ride is a perfect solution when choosing a date based on the car she or he drives. After all, some of us still judge a book by its cover. In the dating world your car can kill or seal the deal. Date My Ride is unique and different because of its simple concept. The idea is to pick your date based on a car. What if you want to meet a big shot? Look for Bentley, Ferrari, Hummer, BMW, Mercedes, etc. What if you are in to “being green” – look for Toyota Prius and other hybrid vehicles. It’s up to your imagination on how you search for that someone special!

But the biggest secret is that this new free website has a mission to take over online dating world.

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